dinsdag 4 maart 2014

Almost Ready For Taking The Next Big Step In Life Traveling The World With Just A Backpack And A Tablet

Almost Ready For Taking The Next Big Step In Life Traveling The World With Just A Backpack And A tablet.

Traveling this beautiful wide world, it was always a dream of me, just like starting a business in where I could meet beautiful, nice people from all over the world, sharing the same goals having the same mindsets.
For me, the combination of earning money, with my BIM business and traveling the world and meeting new people is the perfect combination, you see, there are more and more people who don t live the life they really want and deserve. Most of us just work for getting the bills paid and this month after month, this is not a life, this is a 8 hour workday madness called work.
After the crisis more and more people from all over the world woke up and felt they where lied to over the last decennia about school, getting a job, buy a house and raise children, we all know this stuff.

Lets stop this 8 hour madness called work!

The things about life and about doing business I ve learned during the last 12 months completely changed my life, I started reading books like the one and only T.Harv Eker " Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" about why the rich are successful and rich and why the middle class stay middle class, there is a science behind this all, and after reading this book, my personal and my business life isn t the same as it use to be for years anymore, unbelievable stuff, and to be honest with you, these things people should learn at school.
I am starting this new journey for several reasons, mainly meeting new people from different countries and from different cultures.
I hope, you dear reader, will "walk" with me the coming 12 months, by reading these posts, writing comments and by connecting with me!
Thank you so much for your time and if you are interested how I finance this "year off" please click the "lock arms banner below"

dinsdag 25 februari 2014

Shipping containers recycled into affordable, accessible Utah home A new look At shipping Container Houses

Shipping containers recycled into affordable, accessible Utah home A new look At shipping Container Houses

Shipping containers recycled into affordable, accessible Utah home A new look At shipping Container Houses

Tiny homes are a hot item over the last years, more and more people are willing to give up material and space to save money on heating ans electricity. A house made from shipping containers this idea is not new, but certainly a different look of modern and affordable housing today.

More and more people want to live not only smaller by space but also smaller on their budget

After two years of transformation (including plans, groundwork and permits), what began as two forty-foot high cube containers is now a light and airy 672-square-foot house. It's not dirt cheap- the Sarah House (named for a San Francisco homeless woman whose makeshift home inspired White) is currently on the market for $135,000 (and only to low-income buyers)-, but that price includes a lot of hidden costs. "I spent 40 thousand dollars for the lot and then the infrastructure underneath it, getting the sewer, water lines,

probably an additional 25 thousand dollars. So you can see where I'm at, the house is still coming in at 55 to 60 thousand dollars." White thinks with time and economies of scale, he can bring the costs down.

A shipping container is almost indestructible and very versatile more and more people discover this

A shipping container house is not only very fast to rebuild as a nice and warm living space but it can be simple and  easy modified a lot of  architects and design students have been falling in love with the shipping container idea already.


maandag 24 februari 2014

Why I Just Bought The Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet

Why I Just Bought The Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet


Why I Just Bought The Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet


Yes, it was time for a new device, and to be honest with you, I don t like buying new devices, not only because the money, but mainly because you need to install all the things you are so used to on the "old" device, like my old laptop. And yes I thought about an apple tablet but to be honest here for the work I do, the business I am in, there is no other tablet than the Microsoft Surface 2 or the Surface 2 pro.
For me a big (huge) plus is the promotion offer from Microsoft, the 200 GB extra skydrive cloudservices and for me very important the promotion offer for the free Skype services for one year, for the price of this tablet, an amazing offer (for me).
The only thing I didn t bought (yet) is the typecover 2 with backlight, for all the typing I will do with this tablet you can t go without it.

It will get the Microsoft Surface 2 tomorrow so I will keep you all updated. I ve measured already, and yes it will fit into my backpack.

I am exited start traveling again, meet new people, visit new countries, for me it will be a completely new and different life style, but yes....I am exited!

Thanks for your time reading this, please post comments and all the other stuff below this post, thanks!