dinsdag 4 maart 2014

Almost Ready For Taking The Next Big Step In Life Traveling The World With Just A Backpack And A Tablet

Almost Ready For Taking The Next Big Step In Life Traveling The World With Just A Backpack And A tablet.

Traveling this beautiful wide world, it was always a dream of me, just like starting a business in where I could meet beautiful, nice people from all over the world, sharing the same goals having the same mindsets.
For me, the combination of earning money, with my BIM business and traveling the world and meeting new people is the perfect combination, you see, there are more and more people who don t live the life they really want and deserve. Most of us just work for getting the bills paid and this month after month, this is not a life, this is a 8 hour workday madness called work.
After the crisis more and more people from all over the world woke up and felt they where lied to over the last decennia about school, getting a job, buy a house and raise children, we all know this stuff.

Lets stop this 8 hour madness called work!

The things about life and about doing business I ve learned during the last 12 months completely changed my life, I started reading books like the one and only T.Harv Eker " Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" about why the rich are successful and rich and why the middle class stay middle class, there is a science behind this all, and after reading this book, my personal and my business life isn t the same as it use to be for years anymore, unbelievable stuff, and to be honest with you, these things people should learn at school.
I am starting this new journey for several reasons, mainly meeting new people from different countries and from different cultures.
I hope, you dear reader, will "walk" with me the coming 12 months, by reading these posts, writing comments and by connecting with me!
Thank you so much for your time and if you are interested how I finance this "year off" please click the "lock arms banner below"

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